Hakuhodo DY ONE Inc.

Hakuhodo DY ONE Inc. was established on April 1, 2024 through the integration of D.A.Consortium Inc. (DAC) and IREP Inc. (IREP).

With strengths in marketing strategy formulation, creativity, advanced operational management, technological development, and close relationships with media companies and platform operators, we offer comprehensive support for digital-driven marketing strategies and technology utilization to both Japanese and international clients.

All our overseas subsidiaries are digital marketing agencies that provide integrated digital marketing services.

Overseas Group Companies

Contact information
D.A.Consortium Beijing Co., Ltd.

Room A010, 10th Fl., SOHO Nexus Center, No. 19A Dong San Huan Bei-lu, Chaoyang District, 100020 Beijing, China

Tel: +86-10-85999260

Fax: +86-10-85999259

Mail: info@dacbj.com.cn

D.A.Consortium Beijing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Office

Room 1603, UU Center, NO.1555 Dingxi Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China

Tel: +86-21-62801815

Mail: info_sh@dacbj.com.cn

DAC Asia Pte Ltd

1 Keong Saik Road, Singapore 089109

Tel: +65 6805 4001

Mail: connect@i-dacasia.com

I-DAC (Bangkok) Co., Ltd.

140 Wireless Building, 16th Floor, No.140 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Tel: +66 2263 2410-15

Mail: connect@i-dacasia.com

PT Daniswara Amanah Cipta (I-DAC Indonesia)

Gedung Victoria Lantai 2, Jalan Sultan Hasanudin No. 47-51, Melawai, Kobayoran Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, 12160

Tel: +62 21 727 91233

Mail: info.indonesia@i-dacasia.com

I-DAC Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Unit 1.4 and 1.5, 1st Floor. E.town Central Building. 11 Doan Van Bo, Ward 13, District 4, HCMC, Vietnam

Tel: +84 28 3914 6282

Mail: contact@i-dac.vn

I-DAC Vietnam Co., Ltd. Hanoi Branch

2nd Floor, HongKong Tower, No 243A De La Thanh, Lang Thuong Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: +84 24 3200 4895

Mail: contact@i-dac.vn

Audience IQ Asia Co., Ltd.

Sindhorn Building Tower 2, 14th Floor, 130-132 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Tel: +66 6 5628 9944 (DAC Group)

Mail: contact@audience-iq.com

D.A.Consortium Taiwan Inc. (DAC Taiwan)

2F., No. 363, Fuxing North Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei, 10543 Taiwan

Tel: +886 2 2546 2968

Mail: contact@dactp.com.tw

Indomie Ramen Series Launch
Talk Saves Life
Message from the CEO of DAC Asia

Since the establishment of DAC Asia in 2012, DAC Asia has grown significantly to become one of the leaders of online advertising in Southeast Asia. DAC Asia is one of the 10 subsidiaries of Japan’s leading online ad company, DAC, which is a subsidiary of Hakuhodo DY Group (HDY Group). DAC has been expanding rapidly in the world over the past few years; not only in Southeast Asia but also in China, Taiwan, and the United States.

Digital advertising is firmly poised to take over from TV advertising. Spending on digital ads is still showing double digit growth and gradually taking away the share of traditional media platforms. This shift will continue, notably as online video and social media advertising reaches a different level, in which the variety of online ad formats will increase with advancements in digital technology. As demand for digital marketing increases with the proliferation of smartphones and personalization, supplying advertisers with the right solutions is crucial. DAC Asia will be improving the quality and quantity of advertising content in the Southeast Asia market by leveraging the innovative technologies and marketing strengths of DAC.

In October 2017, we established i-dac Bangkok as a Joint Venture (JV) with Media Intelligence, one of Thailand’s top media agencies, with the objective of enhancing business relationships with local clients while building a stronger presence in the country. The JV now supports HDY Group companies in Thailand in all digital areas, including social media, online advertising, data marketing and digital production.

DAC Asia also co-founded OPPA (Online Premium Publisher Association) with 12 local online premium publishing organizations to offer advertisers unrivaled access to more than 70% of the internet population in Thailand. OPPA will help publishers grow their business by offering premium advertising spaces, audiences, and data marketing with the support of our partner Innity in the technical, functional and operational areas.

Indonesia’s digital advertising market is and will continue to grow steadily at a double-digit rate. In order to meet growing demand from advertisers, DAC Asia established 2 subsidiaries, i-dac Indonesia and DAX (PT Data Arts Xperience). DAX is a JV with Indonesia’s largest conglomerate, Salim Group, which owns a wide range of businesses from food to automotive. DAC Asia also started a data marketing platform (DMP) business and will be expanding this with additional functions to meet the needs of data marketing from our clients.

In order to become Southeast Asia’s top digital agency, DAC Asia will continue to work hand in hand with DAC to advance the online marketing and ad technology industry to a new level. All of us at DAC Asia look forward to taking on this challenge, so please keep an eye out for our transformation. We hope you will join us at this exciting time.

Mitsuo Omaru
President & CEO

Kou Chenxue, Manager of Data Marketing
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