Hakuhodo Deutschland GmbH

Hakuhodo Germany was founded in 1977. Our first home was in Düsseldorf. Today, our company is based in Frankfurt am Main, right at the center of a vibrant media and advertising hotspot in Germany. As a full-service advertising and marketing agency with 15 full-time employees and an additional media agency office in Mönchengladbach, we offer German and international customers a wide range of solutions for all their communication needs.

Contact information
Hakuhodo Deutschland GmbH

Hanauer Landstraße 114-116, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel: +49 69 949480 0

Mail: info@hakuhodo.de


Lindleystr. 8A, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tel: +49 69 949480 490

Mail: welcome@hdd-gmbh.de

Uwe Martin Lucas, Joint Managing Director, Strategic Planning Director