Hakuhodo DY ONE Inc.

Hakuhodo DY ONE Inc. was established on April 1, 2024 through the integration of D.A.Consortium Inc. (DAC) and IREP Inc. (IREP).

With strengths in marketing strategy formulation, creativity, advanced operational management, technological development, and close relationships with media companies and platform operators, we offer comprehensive support for digital-driven marketing strategies and technology utilization to both Japanese and international clients.

All our overseas subsidiaries are digital marketing agencies that provide integrated digital marketing services.

Contact information
Irep Inc.

900 Concar Dr Suite 400, San Mateo, California 94402, USA

Mail: info@irep.inc


Room 135, 1st Fl., Building 3, No. 22, Jianguomenwai Avenue (Saite Plaza), Chaoyang District, 100004 Beijing, China

Tel: +86 10 8599 9260

Mail: info@irep-cn.com