New Year 2024: Message from President Masayuki Mizushima

Jan. 4, 2024
  • News

Creating ambitious innovations to meet the aspirations of sei-katsu-sha*

Happy New Year.

Last year was first and foremost characterized by visible signs of recovery from the pandemic. Seeing the economy revitalized with increasing tourists from both inside and outside the country, as well as sports, music, and other events held in person in front of huge audiences, we are reminded of the powerful energy of sei-katsu-sha that had been held back while living under restrictions and self-denial.

The restored vigor of society, coupled with the evolution of new technologies including generative AI, has accelerated the changes in the lives and needs of sei-katsu-sha. More than ever before, we must keep pace with each sei-katsu-sha’s aspirations and fully understand them, if we are to grasp the substance of the changes and create new value. I believe that the Hakuhodo DY Group is tasked with creating ambitious innovations one after another, leveraging our sei-katsu-sha insights.

Indeed, we are already moving steadily in that direction. As part of our efforts, we are producing innovations in the Sei-katsu-sha Interface Market, which has arisen from constant interactive connections between sei-katsu-sha and goods via data. We have been working with business partners on projects to add unprecedented value at intersections with sei-katsu-sha, including home electronics, housing and transport, and this movement is fast becoming a social norm.

Another effort relates to innovations through business co-creation in collaboration with various partners to realize new value propositions, stepping beyond the role of a traditional advertising company. Joint ventures are springing up everywhere aiming to reconcile business growth with solving serious social issues such as decarbonization, support for reskilling, and the employment of people with disabilities, thus taking the first step toward renewed growth for our Group.

We have also made progress in developing the advanced technology that is essential for innovation. With regard to generative AI, Hakuhodo DY Group companies are actively leveraging the technology in operational reforms and developing brand-new marketing services. The Hakuhodo DY Group is striving to mix creativity, our foremost strength, with cutting-edge AI technology, not merely to leverage AI for efficiency gains. By making the best use of AI, we seek to realize “co-creation of technology and human creativity” that exceeds sei-katsu-sha’s expectations and strongly acts on their emotions.

Needless to say, it is our people that are the driving force behind such movements. Ambitious innovations are created by each member of our eclectic workforce working with energy and in good health, and interacting with each other. Our Group will make even greater contributions to our business partners and society by boosting the well-being of our people at work, in response to changes in the post-pandemic era.

We look forward to working with you in a fruitful manner throughout the year.

Your support would be highly appreciated.

Masayuki Mizushima
Representative Director & President, Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc.
Representative Director, President & CEO, Hakuhodo Inc.

* “Sei-katsu-sha” is a term we use to describe people not simply as consumers, but as fully rounded individuals with their own lifestyles, aspirations and dreams.

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