2018 New Year message from President & CEO Mizushima

Jan. 1, 2018
  • News

Becoming a company where employees grow and create more surprises

Happy New Year.

Since becoming president in April last year, I have had the opportunity to meet and speak with many of our clients and partners. In the process, I have become keenly aware once again of the changes to the business landscape being wrought by the dramatic evolution of technology and acceleration of globalization. I am firmly convinced that it is Hakuhodo’s role to pinpoint the true nature of these changes and produce new value that leads society and sei-katsu-sha.

I believe that the key to creating new value is to move people’s hearts. Even with the advent of the IoT and AI, living people—or “sei-katsu-sha,” as we call them at Hakuhodo—stand in the center, and it is there that human emotions, thoughts and dreams reside. Offering people new futures brimming with surprises and feelings they’ve never experienced before and that push the limits of what is possible: these are the “surprises that move people’s hearts” we aim to bring forth. It is our belief that continuously offering sei-katsu-sha such surprises is a key step toward opening a new era.

It is human creativity that brings these surprises about. Every one of Hakuhodo’s employees has been conscientious in honing his or her creativity to date. The team strength that comes from knocking their creativity together has given rise to all manner of ideas. By further refining our creativity and tightening collaborations with specialized external organizations, we will bring about even bigger surprises.

In addition, as the marketing infrastructure that supports our creativity, we will also evolve our Sei-katsu-sha Data Management Platform, a proprietary database that is building the Hakuhodo DY Group’s collective strength. Using this and other cutting edge infrastructure, we will offer new surprises one after another.

“Our people are our assets,” “Freedom and autonomy,” “The eclectic over the generic.” Hakuhodo has many catch phrases that embody our corporate culture of putting people in the center of everything we do. This year, we are aiming to become a company that enables people to grow further and toward this will be introducing a new human resources regime from this April that focuses on our employees’ personal growth. This will spur our employees, who deliver one surprise after another, to grow even further and will propel the development of varied career paths for them.

The realization of our employees’ personal growth depends on their good health. Once again this year, we will work toward reducing workload and saving labor through the Work Style Design Division, which we established last year. We will also work progressively toward realizing an employee-friendly work environment by, for instance, introducing new digital infrastructure and establishing an in-house childcare center. Through these efforts, we aim to create a workplace where every employee can grow and shine in good health.

Hakuhodo has two unchanging philosophies: Sei-katsu-sha Insight and Partnership. In this new year, we will further evolve these philosophies and, alongside our clients, continuously provide surprises to sei-katsu-sha and society as a whole. We will also work with our ever growing employees to contribute to a rich, sustainable society in 2020 and beyond.

I appreciate your continuing support.

Masayuki Mizushima
President & CEO
Hakuhodo Inc.

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