DurexSync With Lover

Medialand Digital Strategy Ltd.

Taiwanese people tend to be conservative and find it hard to talk about their sexual preferences with their partners. This leads to lower sexual satisfaction, with Taiwan ranking fifth lowest in the world in this measure. Durex wanted to improve sexual satisfaction and frequency for couples. It launched “Sync With Lover,” a fun, quick-fire quiz that couples can do together through a mobile website. The game randomly asks questions to test sexual compatibility, and couples use hand gestures to show O (yes) or X (no). The AI recognizes the gestures instantly and checks if the answers match, then gives a compatibility score. No matter the result, couples learn more about each other’s sexual preferences through the game. The campaign attracted 150,000 couples and became a popular interactive game in restaurants and bars on Valentine’s Day, with media coverage from outlets like China Times, Liberty Times, Traveler, Wine & Spirits Digest, and Marie Claire.


  • 2024 Campaign Digital Media Awards: Grand Prix (Platinum Award), Gold (Best Use of Interactive Media, Best Mobile Campaign, Best Gamification, Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare), Silver (Best Use of Website & Apps) (6 awards)

  • 2023 Taiwan Digital Singularity Awards: Silver (Best User Experience, Best Experiential Technology Implement), Bronze (Best Mobile Advertising) (3 awards)

  • 2023 Taiwan 4A Creative Awards: Gold (Best Digital Interactive), Silver (Best Integrated Digital Campaign, Best Website), Bronze (Best User Experiences Creativities, Best Interactive Creative) (5 awards)